Serving With Dignity

A rocket blasts into space...
dragging flames...
knotted with gray exhaust...
What a feat!
Someone's silver dollars flash...
in the sunlight...

Then I begin to wonder...
What new whizzing gizz...
bears responsiblility...
for those who don't buy it...
Which chain of command...
gives back to the land...

And which nation remembers...
its native tongues...
or even its culture...
it's healing herbs...
to all things...

The homeless people do...
They found the ball of thread...
followed it down empty streets...
through dumpboxes...
between buildings...
under bridges...

It laced through needles...
and broken bottles...
shopping carts...
and pop cans...
Then finally...
came to an end...

It brought them back...
to where we all started...
in community...
in service to the earth...
and each other...

with Dignity...

Poem Copyright Info: Contact Daniel N. Howe